tracto Wind farms

Wind farms

Driving the energy turnaround - with wind farms and trenchless technology

Wind turbines are a mainstay of the energy transition and make a significant contribution to the electricity supply. This is a potential that needs to be expanded worldwide, also because it is one of the most economical renewable energies. With the trenchless installation of media pipes, which enable the transport, distribution and connection of wind turbines to the power supply, this potential can be developed in an economically sensible and at the same time ecologically friendly way. 

Actively shape the energy transition with our NODIG systems: Whether wind power is generated onshore or offshore, our trenchless technology is suitable for connecting onshore wind turbines and offshore wind farms as well as for cabling between individual turbines or to the power plant. 

Minimum effort, more energy

Make maximum use of the potential of powerful wind turbines: Our NODIG technology offers flexible processes that create a high-performance line network with minimal effort and sustainably increase the availability of wind energy. In this way, the low-emission technology is making an important contribution to the irreversible energy turnaround, which is driving the expansion of wind farms whose acceptance among the population is steadily increasing. 

Ecologically friendly, economically sensible - the connection of wind turbines with our NODIG systems

  • Sustainable process with high economic efficiency and a verifiable low consumption of natural capital.
  • Underground installation is suitable for media pipes for transporting electricity from onshore and offshore wind farms - under roads and waterways and with short or long pipes made of all common materials.
  • Also trenchless installation: The pipelines for the interconnection of wind turbines and wind power plants (WTGs) and to the distributor to feed the wind energy into the grid.
  • The area required for the necessary line construction for wind turbines is considerably reduced.
  • The costs for the construction and expansion of the line network of wind power plants remain easily calculable.

Effective infrastructure. Renewable energy. We deliver the technology of tomorrow for the world of tomorrow.